Testosterone Formation
Tribulus Terrestris
Tongkat Ali
Fengreek &
Horny Goat Weed
Support Testosterone Production
Sexual Health
- for Everyone
Female & Male Menopause (Andropause) are caused by declining testosterone.
Increasing testosterone production helps reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.
Increase Blood Flow & Circulation
L-Argenine & Citrulline are natural precurors to Nitric Oxide,
with Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, & Horny Goat Weed
Increase Blood Flow & Circulation
Cardiovascular &
Heart Health
Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Fenugreek & Horny Goat Weed
Support Normal Heart
& Cardiovascular Health

Directions For Use
Children 12+ 1 capsule daily
Children 15+ 1-2 daily
General Health Support
2 capsule daily
Sexual Health Support
up to 4 capsules daily
Made and Packed in England
All products are made in England with vegan capsules in ISO and GMP factories.
They are also packed in England into glass bottles in ISO and GMP factories.
Glass not Plastic
We do not like any plastic chemicals e.g. BPA coming into contact with our products.
Glass is clean, hygenic and does not leak chemicals.
No chemical smell unlike plastic after a few weeks or being in the sun for one hour...
Free From Sugar, Dairy, Wheat, Egg, Soy & Seafood
Our products are free of all of these.
Sugar has no place in a "health" product...
Free From Artifical Fillers, Colours, Preservatives, Flavourings & Stearates
We do not allow toxic artificial fillers in our products, so why should you allow them in your body ?
No parabens, magnesium or other stearates, no talc, no chalk, no titanium or silicon dioxides...
Capsules not Tablets
Tablets only cost 10% of good capsules.
But tablets need a lot of artifical fillers and binders to hold them together.
- Compressed very tightly
- They do not break apart and
- Are not absorbed.
When a company chooses the cheapest method of making a product,
- knowing the negatives
- they normally use the cheapest ingredients.
This is why you feel zero effect from normal supplements.
No Powdered Plants &
No Full Spectrum Extracts
At BioTech we use highly purified extracts:
We do not use cheap powdered whole plants - aka "full spectrum extracts"
Powdered whole plant or full spectrum extracts are usually waste left over from purifying (see below).
They contain very little active ingredient - usually 1% or less, being mostly roots, stalks and some leaves.
So beware when you see "powdered" plant or "full spectrum extract".
Special Purified Ingredients
We use highly purified extracts of the exact phytonutrients that we want:
The phytonutrients are
- Extracted from the plant
- Carefully processed
- Removing impurities
- Leaving the nutrients intact.
The rest of the plant (sometimes 95%) is waste from our point of view.
This waste is sold to normal vitamin companies who use it as powdered plant / full spectrum in their products.