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10 Best Vitamins and Supplements For Skin (2021)

Whilst it is important to make sure what we ingest is good for our skin, we also need to nourish our skin from the outside due the external factors we now face such as:

  • Pollution
  • Pesticides
  • Hard Water
  • Toxic Chemicals in Shower Gels, Skin Creams & Other Cosmetics such as Makeup

With this in mind, there are vitamins for your skin that can keep your skin nourished, rejuvenated and protected from external stressors.

We will look at the following skin conditions:

  • Acne
  • Dry Skin
  • Aging Skin
  • Clearer Skin

In this article, we are going to outline the 10 best vitamins for your skin.


1.) NMN


NMN is a popular supplement that was brought to light by Dr David Sinclair who suggests in his book, Lifespan, that supplementing with NMN can help increase NAD+ levels in the body.

BioTech Life Sciences was one of the first companies to provide NMN as a supplement, we have also been the first company to introduce NMN as a skincare product.

Benefits of NMN:

NMN helps increase NAD+ levels in the body which can drop to as low as 50% in our 40s and decrease to just 1% by the time we are 80.

By using NMN as a skincare product, it can be used as an effective vitamin to reverse dermal and epidermal signs of aging.

NMN may contribute to the renewal of skin at the core layers of the skin and help replenish NAD+ levels in the skin.

By increasing NAD+ levels in the skin, it may contribute to the prevention against oxidative stress and tissue inflammation.


2.) Hyaluronic Acid


Hyaluronic Acid is a well-popularised skin vitamin that is also known as “hyaluronan” which is produce naturally by our body.

Most of the hyaluronan in our bodies is found in our:

  • Skin
  • Eyes
  • Connective Tissue

The main function of hyaluronic acid is to retain the water and keep our tissues lubricated and moist.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid:

  • Hyaluronic Acid may help skin look & feel more supple where it binds to water in our skin to retain moisture
  • May help contribute to the reduction of the aging process in our skin such as sun-damage, smoke & pollution
  • May help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and redness on the skin
  • May contribute to the improvement of wound healing


3.) Vitamin A (Retinol)


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which is an essential nutrient for the skin as our skin is a retinoid-responsive organic.

Our skin can readily absorb Vitamin A when applied topically and retinol helps stimulate the production of new skin cells making them effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Vitamin A (Retinol):

  • May help speed up skin healing
  • May promote natural moisturising
  • May help hydrate the skin to provide a “glow”
  • May help in maintain a healthy dermis and epidermis


4.) Aloe Vera


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin which is an essential nutrient for the skin as our skin is a retinoid-responsive organic.

Our skin can readily absorb Vitamin A when applied topically and retinol helps stimulate the production of new skin cells making them effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Benefits of Vitamin A (Retinol):

  • May help speed up skin healing
  • May promote natural moisturising
  • May help hydrate the skin to provide a “glow”
  • May help in maintain a healthy dermis and epidermis


5.) Resveratrol


As with NMN, Resveratrol is typically taken as a supplement orally and has now started to be used as a skin product.

Resveratrol is found in grape skin and is a natural anti-oxidant which may have anti-aging properties.

Benefits of Resveratrol for the skin:

  • Resveratrol may protect the skin’s surface
  • May rebuff the negative environmental influences such as pollution
  • May contribute to the reduction of redness due to its skin-calming properties


6.) TMG Betaine


TMG Betaine is component of beetroot and has natural anti-inflammatory properties to may help our skin.

TMG is an Osmo protectant which means it helps keep cells hydrated and help them adapt to stress.

Benefits of TMG Betaine:

  • May help increase blood levels of nitric acid which widens blood vessels and may increase nutrient delivery
  • May have anti-inflammatory properties to protect against skin irritations
  • May help promote cellular metabolism


7.) CoQ10


CoQ10 is a potent anti-oxidant that helps protect the skin at a molecular level from sources such as the sun.

Our bodies produce CoQ10 is naturally produced by our bodies and helps generate energy in our cells.

Benefits of CoQ10 for Skin:

  • May help even skin tone
  • May help reduce sun damage
  • May help improve skin hydration


8.) Vitamin E


Vitamin E is also an anti-oxidant which can be topically applied to help nourish and protect skin.

It is a potent moisturiser and has numerous skin-boosting properties.

Benefits of Vitamin E:

  • May help strengthen skin barrier
  • May help increase resistant to sun overexposure
  • May help nourish and protect skin from damage caused by free radicals


9.) PQQ


PQQ is a fairly new supplement that has been used as a health supplement and now being used by BioTech Life Sciences as a skin supplement.

Used for increasing energy, PQQ has been in the news for its mitochondrial-boosting properties and is found in dark chocolate and kiwis.

Benefits of PQQ for skin:

  • May help rejuvenate skin cells
  • May have anti-aging prevention properties
  • May help rebuild healthy tissue for thicker skin & fewer wrinkles


10.) Zinc


Zinc is needed to help build keratin and for the formation of collagen which can be applied topically.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties and works for you when you cut yourself.

Benefits of Zinc:

  • May help clear acne-causing bacteria
  • May help reduce oil production
  • May help heal and rejuvenate skin




Instead of buying 10 different jars to include the 10 best vitamins above, you can get them all in one formulation with the TheraDermis® Natural Face Treatment.

To recap what the 10 best vitamins are for our skin:

  • NMN
  • Hyaluronic Acid
  • Vitamin A (Retinol)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Resveratrol
  • TMG Betaine
  • CoQ10
  • Vitamin E
  • PQQ
  • Zinc


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